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10 Ways to Save Money at the Airport

Remember the time when airline travel meant free services while on board, food that was covered in the ticket price, and those complimentary headsets and covers given to all passengers on board? The good days are indeed past and now, we must pay for everything separately. What was free in the 20th century is no longer free. What was to be taken for granted in the old days is now hyped up as a service that sets an airline apart.

Take these ten ways that airlines make money off us that we can save on if we plan forward.

1.    Avoid the checked baggage fee conundrum: fly with the minimum baggage. I know it is easier said than done if you are planning for contingencies and are flying all over the world. But if you are not, you really can carry less. There is just no need for 5 different changes of clothes for an emergency that will probably never happen!  Read your airline’s baggage policy very carefully and avoid nasty shocks at the airport.

2.    Avoid heavy or overweight checked bags: Airlines are charging for checked in baggages now, so try to fly with just hand luggage or pack everything into one bag to check in. Also, remember, the lesser you carry, the easier your travelling becomes. Imaging trying to lug heavy bags up a train station! Plan ahead, pack light

3.    Eat at home or pack your meals: Yes, it sounds odd, but this actually works. You have a home-cooked meal (sandwiches – wrapped in disposable bags – are a good option) to munch on at the airport while you wait, without actually wasting your money on expensive airport food.

4.    Bring your own reading material: Unless one of your hobbies is to buy books at all the airports you go through in your life, it is a good idea to bring your own books. Glossy covers in shiny shops can be a temptation many can’t reject, and this will result in a purchase that will set you back more than you can get at your favourite second hand bookstore or corner street book-nook.

5.    Avoid seat bookings: this is a prime opportunity for the airline to charge you, and unless you are so particular you have assigned seats wherever you go, you can afford to forego this luxury. Get your seat at check-in, for no cost.

6.    Stay hydrated: drink plenty water before you leave home, so that you are ready for your plane and will not buy water at the airport. I know it sounds a small thing, but think how much you can save if you are a frequent flier. Find water that is freely available: you may find its freely available on the plane or at a dispenser. Also, not buying at the airport will reduce the issues of wastage and getting rid of the bottle

7.    Bring your own entertainment systems: while not every airline charges for in-flight entertainment, you may want to check the conditions. Also, bringing your own is a good way to catch up on all those movies you have not watched that you have on your laptop.

8.    Blankets and covers: No longer is this freely available, and it is a good idea to consider either bringing your own or just refusing to purchase on the flight.

9.    Connectivity: check the conditions on Wi-Fi. Do you really need it so much that you are willing to pay for it? Take a break, enjoy the vista of clouds, fall asleep. It will help you relax and be ready for that next meeting or adventure.

10.   Think out what you really need to carry: and no, this is not merely about clothes. What you pack in the bags will add up and cost you, but also, do you really want to take your pet on the 2-week vacation? Leave them behind, and reduce the costs you have to bear.

These are small things to do to reduce the airport charges, which will let you buy more important things, or stay at a nicer hotel than you could otherwise. Plan ahead, it pays.


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